TEITUR - You're The Ocean lyrics

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    "You're The Ocean"
    There's too much sky, not enough blue 
    There's too many questions to why I love you 
    There's too many clouds, not enough sun 
    The rain must fall on everyone 
    I'm fire-you're the ocean 
    I'm energy-you're the rhythm 
    Love is somewhere in between 
    What you believe and what you dream 
    I'm just trying to make you mine 
    You're the ocean 
    There's too much doubt and not enough dare 
    There's too much decision everywhere 
    There's too much decision everywhere 
    There's too much talk and not enough time 
    Let's close our eyes and not our minds 
    I'm fire-you're the ocean 
    I'm energy-you're the rhythm 
    Love is somewhere in between 
    What you believe and what you dream 
    I'm just trying to make you mine
    You look for leads, I follow clues 
    You love to win, I dare to lose 
    Mostly you're a mind game in my head 
    You are earth, I am water 
    I can give you what you're after 
    You can be the word:I can be the rhyme: 
    There's really nothing you can do 
    You're going where I'm going too 
    Stay beside me, stay beside me 
    I want you 
    I'm fire-you're the ocean 
    I'm energy-you're the rhythm 
    Love is somewhere in between 
    What you believe and what you dream 
    I'm just trying to make you mine 
    You're the ocean
    [Thanks to oco58@hotmail.com for these lyrics]

    '   (   5   7   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
      А   Б   В   Г   Д   Е   Ж   З   И   К   Л   М   Н   О   П   Р   С   Т   У   Ф   Ц   Ч   Ш   Щ   Ы   Э   Я