KYLIE MINOGUE - Take Me With You lyrics

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    "Take Me With You"
    I try, not to panic,
    I hold on to the pieces,
    It's hard to stop my heart from breaking.
    If I could stand to take the long road,
    If I could reach to where I've never been.
    There's a mirror facing me.
    I don't want to be here.....Take me with you
    Take me there, take me there,
    until I die, until I die.
    Take me with you,
    take me there, take me there,
    Until I die, Until I die
    take me with you.
    I chose to be careful,
    hold on to the reason,
    it's hard to stop my head from spinning,
    If I could sleep until tomorrow,
    If I could see the things I've never seen,
    It's a matter of dreaming.
    I don't want to be here.....take me with you
    I don't wanna hurt inside,
    I feel like I'm losing time,
    take me with you
    With you

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