U2 - Promenade lyrics

    Версия для печатиВерсия для печати
    Earth sky sea and rain
    Is she coming back again
    Men of straw sneak a whore
    Words that build or destroy
    Dirt dry bone sand and stone
    Barbed-wire fence cut me down
    I'd like to be around
    In a spiral staircase
    To the higher ground
    And I, like a firework, explode
    Roman candle lightning lights up the sky
    In the cracked streets trampled under foot
    Sidestep, sidewalk
    I see you stare into space
    Have I got closer now
    Behind the face
    Oh...tell me...
    Charity dance with me
    Turn me around tonight
    Up through spiral staircase
    To the higher ground
    Slide show sea side town
    Coca-Cola, football radio radio radio
    Radio radio radio...

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