NOVA, HEATHER - Overturned

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    On a flight path out of Berlin
    I had a sense what I was falling in 
    I caught the light refracting from your eyes
    On the runway below making me blind
    I had a hurricane warning in my chest 
    Listening for the voice that knows me best
    It's all so simple and so true but I'm so slow to learn
    Yeah you've got me
    I 'm in your world 
    Caught in your sunset 
    So I put down in Nova Scotia
    In the pine tree sun I could smell the ocean
    I was trying so hard not to remember 
    Washing it clean in the icy water
    But the energy I can't resist 
    And when the fog rolls in I think of your kiss
    So I light a fire to stare into
    But love's so slow to burn
    Yeah you've got me
    I 'm in your world 
    Caught in your sunset 
    Well some will say that nothing lasts forever
    And some will say it's better to be safe
    I don't care; I'll stay with you whatever it takes
    Yeah you've got me
    I 'm in your world 
    Caught in your sunset 

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