KYLIE MINOGUE - I'm So High lyrics

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    "I'm So High"
    Will you take me pool side
    Can feel the summer breeze
    There's a place that looks inviting
    By a little taste of moonlight
    And a canopy of stars
    Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooh
    Its a feeling
    Such a feeling
    Something I can not hide
    You're the reason
    I'm so high
    Never had the feeling
    So could it be more right
    I feel as if I know you
    But we only met tonight
    I've got a cool sensation
    I can hardly catch my breath
    [Repeat Chorus]
    Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo oh
    Its a feeling
    Such a feeling
    Something I can not hide
    On the ceiling
    I'm so high
    In the evening
    I'm so high
    Such a feeling
    I'm so high
    The party's almost over
    I don't want tonight to end
    We could be starting something
    You feel more than a friend
    The universe conspired
    For the two of us tonight
    [Repeat Chorus 2x]
    On the ceiling
    I'm so high
    In the evening
    I'm so high
    Such a feeling
    I'm so high

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