Nickelback - Curb lyrics

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    Have I gone all too far?
    Have I been here before?
    If I have let me know
    How it goes
    Take her place
    And I will
    See her face
    No reason
    Let it slide
    And I will
    Watch her die...
    To run through fields
    To find, and I will
    Hold, then lead, then lie
    And I will... no I won't
    Is it now really time?
    Can I just give mind, if
    I can simply trade
    Deal Made
    Take her place
    And I will
    See her face
    No reason
    Let it slide
    And I will
    Watch her die...
    To run through fields
    To find, and I will
    Hold, then lead, then lie
    And I will... no I won't
    Run, hide away from me
    Desouled, to seek, decide
    And I will, no I won't
    Run through fields to find
    Hold then lead, then lie
    And I will
    Run, desouled, and
    Hold, to heal, to find
    And I can't
    I was wrong to think that I could ever trust in you,
    I was wrong to think that you might want to trust me, too.
    Here I am, here I am,
    Here I stand,
    Here I am, here I am, here I am, here I stand.
    I was wrong to think that I could ever love in you,
    I was wrong to think that you might want to love me, too.
    Here I am, here I am,
    Here I stand,
    Here I am, here I am, here I am, here I stand.
    So where the hell are you?
    So where the hell are you?
    So where are you when I need someone, too?
    I'm tired of needing you.

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