ADAM SANDLER - The Beating Of A High School Science Teacher lyrics

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    "The Beating Of A High School Science Teacher"
    "And now the severe beating of a high school science teacher."
    "Zinc is by far the best element."
    "I also like plutonium."
    "It's just fun to say."
    [Sound of someonee walking towards him]
    "How's your plutonium?"
    "Good, thank you."
    "Excuse me!"
    "Hello! The office is closed. So, if you wouldn't mind,.. Sir, what are you doing?"
    "Hey! Get off of me!"
    [Beating sounds]
    "You're breaking the beakers!"
    [Beating sounds]
    "Those are my best goggles!"
    [Beating sounds]

    '   (   5   7   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
      А   Б   В   Г   Д   Е   Ж   З   И   К   Л   М   Н   О   П   Р   С   Т   У   Ф   Ц   Ч   Ш   Щ   Ы   Э   Я