ADAM SANDLER - The Beating Of A High School Janitor lyrics

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    "The Beating Of A High School Janitor"
    "And now, the sever beating of a high school janitor."
    [Mopping sounds]
    Mop, mop, mop
    All day long
    Mop, mop, mop
    While I sing this song
    [Sound of someone walking towards him]
    Gonna wax the floor
    Gonna make it shine
    Gonna take of the spray paint
    With turpentine
    "Hey! Don't walk there! I just mopped!"
    [Person walking quickly towards him]
    [Beating sounds]
    [Beating sounds]
    "Get offa me!"
    [Beating sounds]
    "That's my bucket!"
    [Beating sounds]
    "Let go of my side burns!"
    [Beating sounds]
    [Sound of falling down into glass]

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