Kingston trio - The ballad of the shape of things

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    Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 00:06:14 -0600 (MDT)
    Subject: k/kingston_trio/the_ballad_of_the_shape_of_things.num
    To: Nevada Guitar 
    Cc: Barrie McCombs 
    THE BALLAD OF THE SHAPE OF THINGS   Time: 2/4   Tenor: D   Bass: C
        1       *            4       *          *      *    57        *
    Com-pletely round is the perfect pearl, the oyster manu-factures
        1       *            4        *          *        *        57         *
    Com-pletely round is the steering wheel that leads to compound fractures
        4       *            1      *          4            *      1       *
    Com-pletely round is the golden fruit that hangs in the orange tree
             1      57       1        57
    Yes, the circle shape is quite re-nowned
        1      57      1      57
    And sad to say, it can be found
           1      4        57    1
    In the dirty, low-down run-a-round
       1         4       1    57          1         57      1    *
    My true love gave to me - ee, yes, my true love gave to me
    Completely square is the velvet box, he said my ring would be in
    Completely square is the envelope, he wrote farewell to me in
    Completely square is the handkerchief I flourish constantly
    As it dries my eyes of the tears I've shed
    And blows my nose 'til it turns bright red
    For a perfect square is my true love's head
    He will not marry me; no he will not marry me
    Rectangular is the hotel door my true love tried to sneak through
    Rectangular is the transom hole which I had to peek through
    Rectangular is the hotel room I entered angrily
    Now, rectangular is the wooden box
    Where lies my love 'neath the grazing flocks
    They say he died of the chickenpox
    In part I must agree; one chick too many had he
    Triangular is the piece of pie I eat to hide my sorrow
    Triangular is the hatchet blade I plan to hide tomorrow
    Triangular the relationship that now has ceased to be
    And the self-same shape is a garment thin
    That fastens on with a safety pin
    To a prize I had no wish to win
    It's a lasting memory: that my true love gave to me
    - Sung in madrigal style
    - V3L2: "over" for "hole"
    - V3L5: "golden flox" for "grazing flocks" (Kingston Trio)
    - V4L4: "triangular" for "the self-same" (Kingston Trio)
    - Asterisk (*) =  new measure, play same chord
    - Period (.)   =  1/8 note rest at start of a measure
    - Underline(_) =  sustain note into next measure
    CHORDS (Nashville Number System):
    - This system permits you to play a song in any key
    - It uses the numeric relationships between chords in a given key
    - The numbers are the notes of the diatonic scale (do-re-me-fa-so-la-ti-do)
         Common Keys  1    2    3    4    5    6    7
         Key of C:    C    D    E    F    G    A    B
         Key of D     D    E    F#   G    A    B    C#
         Key of E     E    F#   G#   A    B    C#   D#
         Key of F     F    G    A    Bb   C    D    E 
         Key of G     G    A    B    C    D    E    F#
         Key of A     A    B    C#   D    E    F#   G#
         Key of Bb    Bb   C    D    Eb   F    G    A
    EDITING (to a chosen key):
    - Use the "replace" feature of any text editor
    - Most songs use four chords or less ( 1 > 5 > 4 > 6 )
    - Beware: the number 7 could be the seventh scale note or a 7th chord
    - Submitted by:  Barrie McCombs (

    '   (   5   7   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
      А   Б   В   Г   Д   Е   Ж   З   И   К   Л   М   Н   О   П   Р   С   Т   У   Ф   Ц   Ч   Ш   Щ   Ы   Э   Я