KUTLESS - All The Words

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    "All The Words"
    How do I speak of the indescribable to You
    I will try to explain these feelings that are true
    So looking to the sky I will sing and from my heart to You I bring
    All of the words in all of my life that could never explain and never describe
    All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my hands and I worship
    I worship You
    In your presence I forever choose to live
    I will praise You for it's all I have to give
    So looking to the sky I will sing and from my heart to You I bring
    All of the words in all of my life that could never explain and never describe
    All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my hands and I worship
    By Your grace You let me come talk to You
    It's not that I'm worthy I thank you Jesus
    For the love that You have shown
    All of the words in all of my life that could never explain and never describe
    All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my hands and I worship
    With all of the words in all of my life that could never explain and never describe
    All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my hands and I worship
    I worship You

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