Hendrix jimi - Castles made of sand

    Версия для печатиВерсия для печати
    #----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
    #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
    #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
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    Date: 03 Mar 1993 17:07:48 -0700 (MST)
    From: Paul Zimmerman 
    Subject: TAB: Castles Made of Sand - Hendrix
    To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu
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    Jimi Hendrix
    /\ = slide up, down
    AH = artificial harmonic
    () = sustain the note
    h  = hammer on
    p  = pull off
    T  = note held down with thumb
    |  = shows where the bar is for the lyrics
    f  = full bend
    h  = half bend
    q  = quarter bend
    r  = reverse bend
    Moderate rock = 126
    4 ------|------------------------------|-------------------------|--------------
    - ----3-|/5----5/8----8/10---10\8----8-|\5----5\3----3/5---------|---(5)--------
    4 ------|------------------------------|-------------------------|--------------
      Slower = 94
      |-------    |-------------------------------------------|---------------------
      |-------    |-----------7h10p7--------------------------|----------5----------
    1 |-------  4 |------------------7-------------7--\-------|----------5--5-5-5---
    - |-------  - |-------7/9--------9---7-----7--(7)-\-------|----------5--5-7-5---
    4 |-------  4 |-----5------------------10-----(10)\-p(0)--|--------3---------(7)
      |-3--3--    |-5/7---------------------------------------|-2/3h5---------------
                                                            Down the
      T                            T
    street you can hear her scream you're a disgrace as she|slams the door in his dr
      T                                          T
    and now he stands outside and all the       neighbors start to gossip and
       |-------------------------------------   |--------------------------|
       |---------8---12--12--12---12p0-------   |----------------------5---|
       |-------------------------------x----- 2 |----------------------5---|
       |---------9---12--12--12---12---x----- - |----------------------5---|
       |-------------------------------x----- 4 |---------3---5/7----------|
       |-0---------------0---0----0------0---   |-3--/5--------------------|
          drool                                                             He
     4 |-------0---0--x------3--3------3--3-|-------0----0-2--4p2---2h4--------|
     - |-------12--12-x------3--3------3--3-|-------5-------------5--------5\3-|
     4 |----------------0h5-------0h5-------|----------------------------------|
    cries "Oh, girl you must be mad, what happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    gainst the door he leans and starts a scene, and his|  tears fall and burn the
    |------------------------------------------   |---------------------|
    |------------------------------------------   |---------------------|
    |------------------------------------------ 2 |-------0----------5--|
    |-----------0h2----2--2p0------------------ - |-------3----------5--|
    |-------------------------0h2----2-----0--- 4 |------------2/3------|
    |-0----------------------------------------   |-3/5-----------------|
         garden green.                                  And so castles made of sand
     4 |---------0----------0-------5--5-|--------------------|-----------7------7--
     - |---------5----------5-------5--5-|--------5-----------|--------7------------
     4 |---------5--------5-5--5/7-------|------5-----5-------|-----5---------------
         T                                 T
     in the sea,                   e-  ventually
                                       T                AH
                                   A little indian brave who, before he was ten, pla
      T                                       T
    war games in the woods w/his indian friends and he|built a dream that when he gr
      T                                T
         be a fearless warrior     indian chief
       |----------------------    |-----------3-----3----------|
       |----------------------    |---------3---3h5----3-------|
     2 |--------------------5-  4 |--------------------2h4-2---|
     - |------3-------------5-  - |--------------------------0-|
     4 |------3-------/7------  4 |----------------------------|
       |-1--------------------    |-3----3---------------------|
         T                          T
                                Many moons past and more the dream grew strong until
    morrow he would sing his first war song and fight his first battle but something
       prise attack killed him     in his sleep that night
       |----------------------    |----------------------------------|
       |----------------------    |----------3--------------3-3------|
     2 |-----------------5----  4 |----------0----------0-0-0-0----0-|
     - |-----------------5----  - |----------5----------5-5-5-5----5-|
     4 |---------3---5/7------  4 |----------5------------------5----|
       |---1h3/5--------------    |-3----3----------------------3----|
                 And so   castles made of sand   melts    into the sea             e
      T                                     T
    was a young girl whose heart was a frown cos she|was crippled for life and she c
                                                                        speak a soun
      T                                     T      T
        wished and prayed she could stop    livin,               so she de-
    |----------------------------------    |-----------------------------|
    |-8------8--------------10--8-8----    |---------3--3----------------|
    |-7------7---7--7------(7)--7-7----  2 |---------0--0---------5---5--|
    |-9------9---9--9---9-9-9---9-9----  - |---------3--3---------5---5--|
    |-7---------------7-7-7------------  4 |--3/5---------5/7--7---------|
    |-0--------------------------------    |-----------------------------|
        cided to die.                                                            She
     4 |------------------------------------------|-------------0---------0--0-----0
     - |---5-5--5-----5------------5--5-------5-5\|-------------5---------5--5-----5
     4 |------------------------------5---5/7-----|---------------------------------
           T                                        T
    wheelchair to the edge of the shore and to her legs she smiled you won't hurt me
       T                                        T
    But then a sight she'd never seen made her jump and say|look a golden winged
    |----------------------------------------    |--------------------|
    |---------8------------------------------    |-------3------------|
    |---------7-------------------9-\7-----9\  2 |-------2--------5---|
    |---------9------------------------------  - |-------3--------5---|
    |---------7-----------/10----------------  4 |-----------3--------|
    |-0----0--------0--0---------------------    |---1----------------|
       ship is passing my way.(Spoken)And it really didn't|have to stop, it just kep
       |----------------------------   |-------------------   |---3-----------------
       |----------------3-----------   |-------------------   |---3-----------------
     4 |---------4---------4-------- 2 |------------------- 4 |---0-----------------
     - |---------5------------5----- - |----------5------5- - |---5-----------------
     4 |---------5---------------5-- 4 |----------5-------- 4 |---5-----------------
       |-3-----------------------3--   |--3--3-3--3---3----   |---3-----------------
         T                                T                       T
                          And so castles         made of sand
     slips into the sea                 e-  ventually
    repeat into and fade, slower rock = 72
    Remember, the guitar solo is played backwards on the album, so it
    may sound a little different.
    Peace, love, and soul,
    Paul Zimmerman

    '   (   5   7   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
      А   Б   В   Г   Д   Е   Ж   З   И   К   Л   М   Н   О   П   Р   С   Т   У   Ф   Ц   Ч   Ш   Щ   Ы   Э   Я