U2 - Babyface lyrics

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    Watching your bright blue eyes 
    In the freeze frame 
    I've seen them so many times 
    I feel like I must be your best friend 
    You're looking fine, so fine, oh my 
    Dressed up like a lovely day, oh 
    Babyface, babyface 
    Slow down child, let me untie your lace 
    Babyface, babyface 
    Cover girl with natural grace 
    How could beauty be so kind 
    To an ordinary guy 
    Coming home late at night 
    To turn you on 
    Checking out every frame 
    I've got slow motion on my side 
    Turning around and around 
    With the sound and colour 
    Under my control, go 
    Round and around, going down 
    Dressed up like a lovely day 
    Babyface, babyface 
    Tin foil hair all tied up in lace 
    Babyface, babyface 
    Bitter sweet girl won't you give me a taste 
    How could beauty be so kind 
    To an ordinary guy 
    Do do do do do do do do do...do do... 
    Do do do do do do do do do...do do... 
    Babyface, babyface 
    Slow down child, let me untie your lace 
    Babyface, babyface 
    Open the door, let me unpack my case 
    Babyface, babyface 
    You're everywhere child 
    You're all over the place 
    Babyface, babyface 
    You're coming to me from outer-space 
    Hou could beauty be so kind 
    To an ordinary guy

    '   (   5   7   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
      А   Б   В   Г   Д   Е   Ж   З   И   К   Л   М   Н   О   П   Р   С   Т   У   Ф   Ц   Ч   Ш   Щ   Ы   Э   Я