NOTORIOUS B.I.G. - B.I.G. Interlude lyrics

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    "B.I.G. Interlude"
    C-Gutta where you at?
    D Rockafella
    Caesar Leo Degenero
    Bled C
    Money SL
    B.I.G. is making this cream
    Bitches always say what the hell does that mean?
    B is for the bitches, who can't understand
    How one fly nigga became a man
    I is for the way it goes in and out
    One by one I knocks em out
    G is for the way the game goes in the gutter
    Other MC's man they ain't sayin nuthin
    Rockin on, to the break of dawn
    Make the bitch give the pussy get the mouth I'm gone
    It ain't no more to it

    '   (   5   7   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
      А   Б   В   Г   Д   Е   Ж   З   И   К   Л   М   Н   О   П   Р   С   Т   У   Ф   Ц   Ч   Ш   Щ   Ы   Э   Я