KYLIE MINOGUE - Live And Learn lyrics

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    "Live And Learn"
    (Live and learn)
    Don't be afraid to
    Do what you must do
    (Live and learn)
    You can never undo
    Whatever's been done
    You're so afraid
    That true love may never come
    Maybe tomorrow will bring
    Happiness in
    And in a little while
    You could learn to smile
    Again, oh, oh
    But never give up
    That's a big mistake
    Be true to your heart
    And even if it breaks
    You can still
    Love another day
    Find another way
    Take a little time
    And you could find
    That one day your heart
    Will have a home
    Live and learn
    When the morning comes
    You'll see things in a different light
    Give a little time
    Don't be afraid to
    Do what you must do
    It's all up to you
    To live and learn
    What's done is done
    Past is past
    You can look around
    But you can never go back, keep on
    Living your life
    Living it right
    Take a little time
    And you could find
    That one day your heart
    Will have a home
    To live and learn
    (Don't be afraid to
    Do what you must do
    It's all up to you)
    Don't be afraid to
    Do what you must do
    It's all up to you
    (Don't be afraid to
    Do what you must do
    It's all up to you)
    To live and learn
    [repeat 2 times]

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