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    "Come As You Are"
    The weather's hot like hell
    It's sort of casts a spell
    I want a friendly face
    Inside a cool dark space
    Yeah, summers begun
    This is where one, needs to be two 
    Yeah I know i'm bold
    But baby I'm sold on me with you
    Come as you are
    You can stand
    Take my hand, I'll help
    Come as you are
    Don't be sad
    Don't deny, yourself
    So are we good to go?
    Don't act like you don't know
    This is a brand new dress
    Don't want to make no mess...
    Yeah, summers begun
    We can have fun, playing for kicks
    Yeah habits to feed
    And baby I need to get my fix
    Come as you are
    You can stand
    Take my hand, I'll help
    Come as you are
    Don't be sad
    Don't deny, yourself
    Come as you are
    You can stand
    Take my hand, I'll help
    Come as you are
    Don't be sad
    Don't deny, yourself
    Got to give a shout out
    Going to the people who feel 
    What a sista like me is talking bout
    Got to give a shout out
    Going to the people who feel 
    What a sista like me is talking bout
    Hey, hey, hey!
    Come as you are
    Come on
    Come as you are
    You can stand
    Take my hand, I'll help
    Come as you are
    Don't be sad
    Don't deny, yourself
    Come as you are
    You can stand
    Take my hand, I'll help
    Come as you are
    Don't be sad
    Don't deny, yourself

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