KMFDM - You're No Good

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    "You're No Good"
    Deceitful unforgiving
    Whoever the hell you think I am
    Bring me to my knees
    Let me be myself again
    Forgive, forget
    Hold it against me in contempt
    Drowning me in tears
    Bitter salt that knows no fear
    I'm better off alone
    Keep to myself so nobody knows
    Misery follows me everywhere I go
    Hello hello I'm back again
    Run run run run while you can
    Hello hello I'm back it's me
    The mother load of misery
    You're no good
    Misery follows me wherever I go
    Deranged in paranoia
    I am just no use at all
    Don't count on me
    I won't be responsible
    Punishing discontent
    Gotta get a grip
    My mind's working overtime
    Twisting in a tourniquet
    Ticking like a timebomb
    Another pound of flesh
    Red alert emergency
    I'm headed for a crash
    To have to hold
    All in good time
    I'd ruin that too
    I'm better off alone
    Keep to myself
    So nobody knows
    Misery follows me wherever I go
    [Thanks to Mike ( for these lyrics]

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