EVANS, SARA - To Be Happy lyrics

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    "To Be Happy"
    If I had one wish, I would wish for two
    For me and you to be happy
    With the way things are, sometimes gets hard
    But, we've come so far to be happy
    Yeah, don't think that I'm complaining
    Sometimes it keeps on raining
    Oh but don't be frightened by thunder and lightning
    The sun comes out and the flowers grow
    And you find you're already on the road to be happy
    If I had one prayer to pull out of thin air
    Everyone, everywhere would be happy
    We'd hand out Valentines, I'd be yours, you'd be mine
    There's a place, there's a time to be happy
    [Repeat Chorus]
    Well we fuss and we fight
    We can't see the light
    We wake up and decide
    We don't need to be right to be happy
    [Repeat Chorus]

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